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Lip Reading  

Visual of the course


Learn or improve basic lip reading techniques for those who struggle to hear in everyday life. This is a mixed ability course for beginners and those with a little knowledge. Please read the full description in 'More details' below before completing your enrolment.  

More information
Learn basic lip reading techniques on this course for those who struggle to hear in everyday life. The class will be for people who have acquired hearing loss and use English as a main means of communication (i.e. not people born deaf and not BSL users). It is not aimed at people with full hearing but at people who are struggling to communicate with a hearing loss they have acquired during their life. You will work through a structured programme of exercises to develop lip reading techniques. We will also cover other aspects of managing hearing loss and it is a good chance to meet other people in the same situation if you have been feeling isolated.

Can I join late?
Yes, up to week 2 with tutor's agreement.

Who is the course for?
This course is for anyone who has an interest in learning basic lip reading techniques for those who struggle to hear in everyday life.

Do I need prior knowledge or experience?

How will I learn?
Communicative, interactive activities, designed to promote active participation.

How will my progress be assessed?
This is a non-accredited course. You will be assessed informally by your tutor during classroom activities. There will be regular opportunities to review your progress.

Is there an external qualification?
No, this is an non-accredited course.

What can I do next?
Tutor will advise on suitable progression at the end of the course.

What do I need to bring?
Spectacles and hearing aids if worn. A pen and notebook would be useful, and a hand held mirror suitable for watching yourself speak You may wish to bring a file to save any handouts

Are there any extra costs?
No, Tutor will discuss what is needed for the course.

Is there work between sessions?
Yes, you will need to make time for homework in order to fully benefit from this course (equivalent to roughly one to two hours per week). Home study forms an integral part of learning activities and progress will be significantly slowed down if you cannot commit to regular course work. Regular attendance is also necessary for continuing improvement of skills.

For further information, please contact:
The Kentwood Centre on 020 8659 7976 or the Poverest Centre on 01689 822886 or use

Course Summary

Code: C04503  

Starting: Monday 06 January 2025 

Location: Poverest Centre  

Tutor: Lisa Cox  

Duration: 19 sessions over 19 week(s)

Time: 14:00 

Cost: Free TL  

By continuing you confirm that you are over 19 and have agreed to the the terms and conditions

Course Information



Time and duration

Start Date: 06 January 2025
Start Time: 14:00
Day: Monday Afternoon
End Time: 16:00
Total Weeks: 19


Poverest Centre  
Poverest Road  
BR5 2DQ  

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